
Meteorological Temperature Profiler MTP-5 and Meteorological Thermodynamic Profiler MTP-7+ for vertical temperature and humidity profiles of the atmosphere


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The MTP-5 family of instruments is specifically designed to provide real-time PBL measurements with all-weather, unattended operation and automatic self-calibration. The MTP-5 family of instruments is specifically designed to provide real-time PBL measurements with all-weather, unattended operation and automatic self-calibration. They require no specialist knowledge to install, maintain and operate or to analyze the data, and are ideal for network use. MTP-5 uses a uniquely designed compact and rugged microwave receiver which is highly sensitive to atmospheric ‘black-body’ thermal radiation at 5 mm wavelength (60 GHz frequency). MTP-5 emits no radiation and does not require any operating licenses. MTP-5 is quick and simple to set up and most versions can be easily transported to different locations. Typically, the instrument is mounted on a platform a few meters above ground level or on the roof of a building. The instrument is connected to a PC running the operating software, which stores the data, calculates the temperature profiles using specially developed algorithms, and displays the results graphically every 5 minutes. MTP-5 is unique, in that it requires no specialist knowledge to operate. It is self-calibrating and produces the temperature profiles automatically in all conditions and in real time. These are the big advantages of the MTP-5 compared to other technologies including multi-channel-radiometers. MTP-5 is a remote sensing instrument that measures microwave radiation emitted from the lower 1000 m of the atmosphere, within the Planetary Boundary Layer. The atmosphere is a strong source of radiation but the changes due to temperature are small, so a very sensitive receiver is required. Unique radiometers and specially designed antennae operating in the 5 mm waveband form the heart of MTP-5 the single-channel-radiometer. Atmospheric radiation is measured by scanning in angular steps from horizontal to vertical position. The operating software processes the data into vertical height and temperature information T(h). The data is stored and profiles are displayed graphically every 5 minutes, typically showing the temperature in 25 and 50 m height intervals. Applications: » Monitoring of urban air quality » Investigation into urban heat island effects » Monitoring of atmospheric stability at airports » Regional and mesoscale forecasting in meteorology » Input to emergency management systems of nuclear power stations and petrochemical facilities » Support of energy balance studies and fog forecasting » Research into radio wave and laser beam propagation » Atmospheric chemistry research (meteo MTP5 community)

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