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November 2021

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 29,2021

Modeling Study of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characteristics in Industrial City by the Example of Chelyabinsk


Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 29,2021

Mobile System for atmospheric temperature profile monitoring: mobile MTP-5

2014 Khaikine

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 15,2021

Remote sensing measurements of the urban boundary layer of rome under the EU LIFE+ EXPAH project

2021 Gariazzo

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 4,2021

Modeling study of atmospheric boundary layer characteristics in industrial city by the example of Chelyabinsk

2014 Lenskaya

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 4,2021

A new future in meteorological measurements

2009 Gilroy

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 4,2021

Aspects of flow characteristics and turbulence in complex terrain

Abe books site:

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 4,2021

Operational aspects of different ground-based remote sensing observing techniques for vertical profiling of temperature, wind, humidity and cloud structure

WMO web site:;id=9270#.YYOW9RzSKUk

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 4,2021

An introduction to passive microwave remote sensing and its applications to meteorological analysis and forecasting

Semantic Scholar web site:

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Nov 4,2021

Devolpment of the USEPA quality assuance guidance for the collection of meteorological data using passive radiometers

On line presentation: