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June 2018

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Jun 26,2018

Short-term forecasting of the temperature stratification in the ABL by using blending technology based on ground-based remote sensing and atmospheric modelling

22-25 May 2018 - Cologne - Germany - ISARS 2018 19th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing Presentation

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Jun 26,2018

Aviation Weather Hazards Nowcasting Based on Remote Temperature Sensing Data

6-10 November 2017 - Toulose - France - AeroMetSci2017 Aeronautical Meteorological Scientific Conference. Presentation

Mathias Schröder has added an update

Jun 26,2018

New webpage for Polish-Czech research project &quot;Air Border&quot;

Link (Czech Verision) and translated version:;sl=auto&amp;tl=en&amp;;sandbox=1 Project Description: Introduction An important problem in the border region of the Moravian-Silesian Region and the Silesian Voivodeship is the deterioration of air quality. As part of the previous Czech-Polish cooperation on the CLEANBORDER and AIR SILESIA projects, it was found that Czech resources could have a significant impact on air quality in Poland and vice versa in this area. The AIR SILESIA project first quantified the cross-border impact of each group of air pollution sources. Modeling of the long-term effects of the sources on both sides of the border has been carried out, the conclusions of which have been verified using air quality measurements. In the final oponent of the project, it was found that it would be appropriate to complement the modeling results with flight measurements and other specialized measurements of pollution transfer to refine the estimation of the cross-border impact of individual resource groups. Although the issue of air pollution in this area is starting to resolve slowly, no significant transnational measures have yet been adopted. Discussions on the importance of the different groups of sources and the influence of the measures implemented so far (local firebox / transport / industrial sources / Czech sources / Polish sources) are still ongoing. Improving air quality in the area will require major financial investments and significant joint policy decisions. For these decisions to be effective, good data and decision-making information must be available that will be trusted by both parties. The AIR BORDER project helps to improve Czech - Polish cooperation in improving air quality in the border regions. Within the project, the long - term cross - border transmission of Czech - Polish sources of air pollution will be carried out through specialized measurements. It is assumed that the results of the project will help the decision-making sphere and civil society on both sides of the border to unify the views on the causes and mechanisms of air pollution and the provided backgrounds will contribute to a common solution to the problem of polluted air in the region. Project goal On the basis of the established cooperation between Czech and Polish specialized institutions, special measurements of cross-border pollution transmission will be carried out within the AIR BORDER project. The output will be the calculated daily particulate pollution value and transmission direction (vector of pollution) that will be published on the website and through the mobile application. The results are statistically processed and summarized in the final study on transboundary pollution transmission. The target groups of the project (governments, air protection authorities and civil society) on both sides of the border will thus have data on how transfrontier pollution is shifting and what are its causes. The outputs of the project will be based on data measured in long-term special procedures and on the study of the air pollutant transfer mechanism in the border area. This will utilize the unique position of two stations on both sides of the border where the measurements will be carried out. The Czech station in Horní Suché will be located on the former mining tower of the František mine and the measurements will be carried out at the heel and on the roof of the tower at an altitude of almost 90 m. Continuous measurement of the small dust particles at both height levels will be carried out of particles depending on wind direction. The sampling of dust particles will be subjected to further analyzes to determine the detail elemental composition (of dozens of elements). The Polish station is a long-term meteorological station in Ratiboř, which will be extended by another specialized equipment - a radiometer for measuring the vertical profile of the temperature. Stationary stations will be complemented by measurements using a remote-controlled unmanned airship, which will measure contamination in the border area between the two stations.

Massimo Enrico Ferrario has added an update

Jun 26,2018

New web page for MTP-5 from Germany