Meteo School
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High School Course
- Istituto Tecnico Trasporti e Logistica art. Conduzione del mezzo aereo (aeronautico)
- A. Manzato, A. Pucillo
CORSO: Radiosondaggi, indici di instabilita' e fenomeni temporaleschi intensi
Teolo, 17 novembre 2015
Presentazione Manzato
Presentazione Pucillo
Video Manzato (prima parte) LD (207 Mb) - HD (688 Mb)
Video Manzato (seconda parte) LD (174 Mb) - LD (47 Mb) - HD (604 Mb)
Video Manzato (terza parte) LD (173 Mb) - HD (604 Mb)
Video Pucillo LD (320 Mb) - HD (1032 Mb)
(***) Il link diretto al video funziona in modalità HD.
In modalità LD scaricare il file mp4 sul PC e aprirlo con un'applicazione appropriata (es. VLC)
- Corso: Dispersione di inquinanti in atmospera in una valle Alpina
- Our training resources - ECMWF Reading UK
- Fact sheet - UCAR
- Formazione Ambientale - Dal monitoraggio alla modellistica
- Syllabus 2010 ATMO
- Course on Mesoscale Meteorology METR 3344
- Martinale Center Meteorlogy, Climatology, Weather Atmospheric Chemistry & Atmospheric Physic Center
- Norvegian Laboratory
- A2 Meteorology - Lesson Resources
- Forecast School - Tim Vasquez
- Penn State - Learning Weather
- Texas Forecaster Lesson - Tim Vasquez
- Meteorology Worksheets
- Monitoring Atmospheric Composition - Eumetsat - CAMS - ECMWF
- Archive of monthly Weather Briefings
- Wind vectors and directions
- CAPE Calculation
- Dew Point Formula
- Andrew Revering's List of Meteorological Formulas
- equivalent potential temperature
- Important equations and interpretation - meteorologist Jeff Haby
- Index of formulas -
- Profilo verticale di Bulbo Umido (italiano)
- Base Italia
- Corso Basico - Vittorio Villasmunta
- Eumetcal
- Eumetrain
- Ocean Meteo
- Stazione meteorologica automatica
- Meteo Verona Didattica
- Manuale di volo libero
- Serier di Fourier e Wavelet
- Studiare Meteorologia in Italia
- Primo Corso di Fisica dell'Atmosfera (Aeronautica Militare Italiana 2015)
- Video Formazione
World Important
- ECMWF - Numerical Wearther Prediction
- ZAMF Conceptual Models
- MetEd
- WMO Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Moodle training portal
- EUMETSAT Training
- C3S User learning services
- First IS-ENES3 virtual Autumn School on Climate data use for impact assessments -
World Other
- ASOS 101
- AllMetSat
- DLAC - Distance Learning Aviation Courses
- Climate Basics -Oxford Begbroke Science Park
- Cloud appreciation society
- Eumetcal
- Eumetrain -ZAMG
- First Tutors - Academic
- Kids on the Move: the 2006 Campaign
- Intermet
- Meteorology Guide - WW2010 -University of Illinois
- Meteorology Test
- MetEd
- Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth
- PBL - Apollo
- SATREP on line
- Sounding Course -ZAMG
- Suomi Virtual Museum
- The Weather Prediction
- The Weather Wiz Kids
- Water Vapour
- Weather Wise
- How to read GFS model weather maps
- MJJ Sales Market Umbrellas
- WMOlearn
- Training at ECMWF
- Storm and Emergency Guide for Kids
- A Guide to Weather Vanes
- Paragliding CD-ROM
- Meteolab CD-ROM
- Synoptic Satellite Meteorology - ZMAG
Guides - Manuals
- Manual of synoptic satellite meteorlogy
- Synoptic Satellite Meteorology - ZMAG
- Meteorology Guide - University Illinois
- Il clima nell'ultimo ventennio Giuliacci Abelli Di pierro
- Storm watchers: the turbulent history of weather prediction from Franklin's - Cox
- Meteorology today: an introduction to weather, climate, and the environment - C.D. Ahrens
Thesis - Master - PHD
- Piironen Thesis
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