Meteo School

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High School Course


  1. Istituto Tecnico Trasporti e Logistica art. Conduzione del mezzo aereo (aeronautico)





  1. Corso: Dispersione di inquinanti in atmospera in una valle Alpina
  2. Our training resources - ECMWF Reading UK
  3. Fact sheet - UCAR
  4. Formazione Ambientale - Dal monitoraggio alla modellistica
  5. Syllabus 2010 ATMO
  6. Course on Mesoscale Meteorology METR 3344
  7. Martinale Center Meteorlogy, Climatology, Weather Atmospheric Chemistry & Atmospheric Physic Center
  8. Norvegian Laboratory
  9. A2 Meteorology - Lesson Resources
  10. EPORT
  11. Forecast School - Tim Vasquez
  12. Penn State - Learning Weather
  13. Texas Forecaster Lesson - Tim Vasquez
  14. Meteorology Worksheets
  15. Monitoring Atmospheric Composition - Eumetsat - CAMS - ECMWF
  16. Archive of monthly Weather Briefings



  1. Wind vectors and directions
  2. CAPE Calculation
  3. Dew Point Formula
  4. Andrew Revering's List of Meteorological Formulas
  5. equivalent potential temperature
  6. Important equations and interpretation - meteorologist Jeff Haby
  7. Index of formulas -
  8. Profilo verticale di Bulbo Umido (italiano)




  1. Base Italia
  2. Corso Basico - Vittorio Villasmunta
  3. Eumetcal
  4. Eumetrain
  5. Ocean Meteo
  6. Stazione meteorologica automatica
  7. Meteo Verona Didattica
  9. Manuale di volo libero
  10. Serier di Fourier e Wavelet
  11. Studiare Meteorologia in Italia
  12. Primo Corso di Fisica dell'Atmosfera (Aeronautica Militare Italiana 2015)
  13. Video Formazione

World Important

  1. ECMWF - Numerical Wearther Prediction
  2. ZAMF Conceptual Models
  3. MetEd
  4. WMO Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Moodle training portal
  5. EUMETSAT Training
  6. C3S User learning services
  7. First IS-ENES3 virtual Autumn School on Climate data use for impact assessments - Video

World Other

  1. ASOS 101
  2. AllMetSat
  3. DLAC - Distance Learning Aviation Courses
  4. Climate Basics -Oxford Begbroke Science Park
  5. Cloud appreciation society
  6. Eumetcal
  7. Eumetrain -ZAMG
  8. First Tutors - Academic
  9. Kids on the Move: the 2006 Campaign
  10. Intermet
  11. Meteorology Guide - WW2010 -University of Illinois
  12. Meteorology Test
  13. MetEd
  14. Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth
  15. PBL - Apollo
  17. SATREP on line
  18. Sounding Course -ZAMG
  19. Suomi Virtual Museum
  20. The Weather Prediction
  21. The Weather Wiz Kids
  22. Water Vapour
  23. Weather Wise
  24. How to read GFS model weather maps
  25. MJJ Sales Market Umbrellas
  26. WMOlearn
  27. Training at ECMWF
  28. Storm and Emergency Guide for Kids
  29. A Guide to Weather Vanes


  1. Paragliding CD-ROM
  2. Meteolab CD-ROM
  3. Synoptic Satellite Meteorology - ZMAG

Guides - Manuals

  1. Manual of synoptic satellite meteorlogy
  2. Synoptic Satellite Meteorology - ZMAG
  4. Meteorology Guide - University Illinois


  1. Il clima nell'ultimo ventennio Giuliacci Abelli Di pierro
  2. Storm watchers: the turbulent history of weather prediction from Franklin's - Cox
  3. Meteorology today: an introduction to weather, climate, and the environment - C.D. Ahrens

Thesis - Master - PHD

  1. Piironen Thesis

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