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Meteo Glossary


  1. AMS Glossary
  2. Oceanography the related Geosciece Glossary
  3. Leo German Dictionary
  4. AINEVA Nivo-meteorologia
  5. European Avalanche Service
  6. Australian Government - Bureau Meteorology
  7. Department of Meteorology and Hydrology


  1. Glossario - Meteo Perugia
  2. Glossario Meteo Aeronautico - Corso Basico di Meteorologia
  3. Glossario -
  4. Glossario - Supermeteo
  5. Glossario - Zanichelli


Meteo Tools

  1. Weather Symbols
  2. Weather Symbols (MC)
  3. Weather Symbols (WMO)
  4. Weather Symbols - How to read it
  5. Wind Chill Table Steadman
  6. Back Trajectory - Aura OMI
  7. Back Trajectory - BADC
  8. Back Trajectory - HYSPLIT
  9. Beaufort Scale
  10. Convective Weather Maps
  11. Cyclon Fase Evolution - Hart Diagram
  12. Standard Atmosphere 1976
  13. Wind rose - Lakes
  14. Nomads - NCEP
  15. Synoptic -Meteo Centre - Analysis Europe
  16. Synoptic - UNI - Koeln
  17. Clima Index Collection
  18. Meteo formulas
  19. Cassardo pages
  20. Bodenvorhersage - Nomi delle perturbazioni
  21. ERTEL - GFS
  22. Dew Point Temperature
  23. METAR - Estofex



  1. DWD Meteo Archive
  2. Mappe NCEP
  3. WPC's Surface Analysis Archive
  4. Meteorological Charts North Atlantic and Europe
  5. Codici WMO/ICAO - Italia e Mondo


Meteo Station and Data

  1. Synop DATA - Tu tiempo
  2. Synop DATA - Ogimet
  3. Land Station Surface Synoptic Code
  4. The Synoptic Code - Detailed Description
  5. metaf2xml - software
  6. Metar Station
  7. Metar TAF
  8. METAR Code - How to read
  9. Sky Clear
  10. Ogimet Venezia
  11. Rete Meteonetwork
  12. Dati Stazioni Suddivise per Regioni
  13. Serie Temporali Italia
  14. Metar NOAA
  15. Rete Davis
  16. Rete Meteo Network
  17. Rete PC Lazio
  18. Rete ARSIAL

Meteo Applet - Scripts and Java

  1. Weather Calculator
  2. Temperatura percecita
  3. Dew Point Calculator
  4. Monin Obukhov Lenght Calculator
  5. Precipitation type applet
  6. Relative humidity and Dew Point
  7. Long wave - short wave
  8. Coordinates converter
  9. 3D vectors
  10. Profhorn
  11. Depression, Front, and other


Meteo History

  1. The weather doctor


Weather Symbols

  1. Meteo Blue (free)



  1. CartoonStock - Mee-Mig
  2. Froggy - Desktop
  3. Named pressured system (Uni Berlin)


Data Base

  1. Banca Dati Ambientali sulla Laguna di Venezia
  2. BADC
  3. YOTC




  1. 610 - Tornado (min 7.04)
  2. Signor Mèteo - Zecchino d'oro 1998
  3. Il "volo" del meteorologo: si oppone al vento a 160 km/h
  4. Micrometeorologia in TV - Dal min. 11'09"


  1. The Weather Notebook



  1. Bernacca - Che tempo fa
  2. Fabrizzi - La neve a Roma
  3. Giuliacci - Tapiro
  4. Pozzetto - Ragazzo di Campagna
  5. Tortora - Portobello: Turchino and Fog
  6. Verdone - ACI
  7. Meteo Sant'Arcagelo- video storici
  8. Meteorologo Minnesota e la gruccia
  9. Corazzon - Spot Toyota Aygo
  10. WMO Weather 2050 - Italy



  1. Gol by wind
  2. Lighting hit a man
  3. Lighting an airplanes
  4. Sounding USA - 2010
  5. Sounding Italy - 2009
  6. Lighting hit a football field
  7. Double rainbow in Milan (Italy)
  8. Tornado impact on lorry
  9. Scientific Visualization Studio - NASA
  10. Weather Brain (James Spann)





  1. Tornadoes and Waterspouts in Europe - A Coffee Table Book
  2. Practical Meteorology


  1. Weather Photos
  2. Photo Meteo
  3. Der Karlsruher Wolkenatlas - Cloulds Atlas
  4. Atlante delle Nubi - Meteo Liillo
  5. Altrante delle Nubi - Rivista Ligure di Meteorologia
  6. Altrante delle Nubi - Salcedo(VI)


Saying / Quote

  1. Duca degli Abruzzi
  2. Vagantes
  3. Meteoman
  5. Weather Quotes
  6. Miti e leggende su CAVOK - TA Franco Staccioli


Game - Contest

  1. Berlin Weather Forecasting Contest



  1. Sun Light
  2. Moon Fase
  3. Sky View
  4. LAT LON converter
  5. Right time in Italy
  6. Days between two dates
  7. Day last/ Sunrise - Sunset
  8. Moto ondoso NETTUNO - Mediterranean
  9. PPM Converter
  10. Confluence
  11. Birds
  12. Bikemap .net
  13. Anni Bisestili
  14. Altimetria Venezia
  15. Klima House - Museo del Clima di Bremerhaven
  16. Energy Converter

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