Meteo Other
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Meteo Glossary
- AMS Glossary
- Oceanography the related Geosciece Glossary
- Leo German Dictionary
- AINEVA Nivo-meteorologia
- European Avalanche Service
- Australian Government - Bureau Meteorology
- Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
- Glossario - Meteo Perugia
- Glossario Meteo Aeronautico - Corso Basico di Meteorologia
- Glossario -
- Glossario - Supermeteo
- Glossario - Zanichelli
Meteo Tools
- Weather Symbols
- Weather Symbols (MC)
- Weather Symbols (WMO)
- Weather Symbols - How to read it
- Wind Chill Table Steadman
- Back Trajectory - Aura OMI
- Back Trajectory - BADC
- Back Trajectory - HYSPLIT
- Beaufort Scale
- Convective Weather Maps
- Cyclon Fase Evolution - Hart Diagram
- Standard Atmosphere 1976
- Wind rose - Lakes
- Nomads - NCEP
- Synoptic -Meteo Centre - Analysis Europe
- Synoptic - UNI - Koeln
- Clima Index Collection
- Meteo formulas
- Cassardo pages
- Bodenvorhersage - Nomi delle perturbazioni
- Dew Point Temperature
- METAR - Estofex
- DWD Meteo Archive
- Mappe NCEP
- WPC's Surface Analysis Archive
- Meteorological Charts North Atlantic and Europe
- Codici WMO/ICAO - Italia e Mondo
Meteo Station and Data
- Synop DATA - Tu tiempo
- Synop DATA - Ogimet
- Land Station Surface Synoptic Code
- The Synoptic Code - Detailed Description
- metaf2xml - software
- Metar Station
- Metar TAF
- METAR Code - How to read
- Sky Clear
- Ogimet Venezia
- Rete Meteonetwork
- Dati Stazioni Suddivise per Regioni
- Serie Temporali Italia
- Metar NOAA
- Rete Davis
- Rete Meteo Network
- Rete PC Lazio
Meteo Applet - Scripts and Java
- Weather Calculator
- Temperatura percecita
- Dew Point Calculator
- Monin Obukhov Lenght Calculator
- Precipitation type applet
- Relative humidity and Dew Point
- Long wave - short wave
- Coordinates converter
- 3D vectors
- Profhorn
- Depression, Front, and other
Meteo History
- The weather doctor
Weather Symbols
- Meteo Blue (free)
- CartoonStock - Mee-Mig
- Froggy - Desktop
- Named pressured system (Uni Berlin)
Data Base
- Banca Dati Ambientali sulla Laguna di Venezia
- 610 - Tornado (min 7.04)
- Signor Mèteo - Zecchino d'oro 1998
- Il "volo" del meteorologo: si oppone al vento a 160 km/h
- Micrometeorologia in TV - Dal min. 11'09"
- The Weather Notebook
- Bernacca - Che tempo fa
- Fabrizzi - La neve a Roma
- Giuliacci - Tapiro
- Pozzetto - Ragazzo di Campagna
- Tortora - Portobello: Turchino and Fog
- Verdone - ACI
- Meteo Sant'Arcagelo- video storici
- Meteorologo Minnesota e la gruccia
- Corazzon - Spot Toyota Aygo
- WMO Weather 2050 - Italy
- Gol by wind
- Lighting hit a man
- Lighting an airplanes
- Sounding USA - 2010
- Sounding Italy - 2009
- Lighting hit a football field
- Double rainbow in Milan (Italy)
- Tornado impact on lorry
- Scientific Visualization Studio - NASA
- Weather Brain (James Spann)
- Tornadoes and Waterspouts in Europe - A Coffee Table Book
- Practical Meteorology
- Weather Photos
- Photo Meteo
- Der Karlsruher Wolkenatlas - Cloulds Atlas
- Atlante delle Nubi - Meteo Liillo
- Altrante delle Nubi - Rivista Ligure di Meteorologia
- Altrante delle Nubi - Salcedo(VI)
Saying / Quote
- Duca degli Abruzzi
- Vagantes
- Meteoman
- Weather Quotes
- Miti e leggende su CAVOK - TA Franco Staccioli
Game - Contest
- Berlin Weather Forecasting Contest
- Sun Light
- Moon Fase
- Sky View
- LAT LON converter
- Right time in Italy
- Days between two dates
- Day last/ Sunrise - Sunset
- Moto ondoso NETTUNO - Mediterranean
- PPM Converter
- Confluence
- Birds
- Bikemap .net
- Anni Bisestili
- Altimetria Venezia
- Klima House - Museo del Clima di Bremerhaven
- Energy Converter
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