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Articles, Abstracts, Posters, Presentations, Proceedings, and Thesis
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- attended by Ferrario M.E.:
Courses, Seminar, Workshop, Symposium, International Conference, etc.
Excel file updated on jun 2020
- Fischer J., Groenemeijer P., Holzer A., Feldmann M., Schröer K., Battaglioli F., Schielicke L., Púcik T., Gatzen C., Antonescu B. and the TIM Partners :
Invited perspectives: Thunderstorm Intensification from Mountains to Plains
Article on NHESS - Natural Hazarads Earth Science - Volume xx, n° Month Year
Bologna, Italy
Article [15]
- Ravnik L., Laffineur Q., Ferrario M.E., Diémoz H., Kotthaus S. :
Environmental agencies and air quality
Chapther on Impact of atmospheric boundary layer profiling
Chapther [16]
- Massaro G., Gallina V., Cicogna A., Zecchini F., Rech F., Dalan F., Ferrario M.E., Micheletti S., and Lionello P.:
Bias-correction di scenari climatici ad alta risoluzione sul Triveneto con l’utilizzo di misure da stazione
Proceedings of the 2a Conferenza Nazionale sulle Previsioni Meteorologiche e Climatiche
Bologna, Italy
- Ferrario M.E. and Sansone M.:
Possible contribution of passive radiometers to the analysis of the evolution of fog episode
EMS 2021 Annual Meeting
- Di Giosa A.D., Amoroso A., Ferrario M.E., Listrani S., Marchegiani G., Marinelli A. and Occhiuto, D. 2021:
L’effetto sulla qualità dell’aria nel Lazio dell’emergenza COVID-19 nel periodo marzo-maggio 2020
Article on BEA - Il Bollettino degli esperti ambientali
- Ferrario M.E. and Lombroso L.:
Cambiamenti climatici, cosa possiamo fare a Roma
Article on Il Chimico Professionista
- Occhiuto D., Barberini S., Ferrario M.E., Di Giosa A.D., De Donato F. and Stafoggia M.:
Temperature estreme ed inquinamento atmosferico: l'area urbana di Roma
Article on BEA - Il Bollettino degli esperti ambientali
- Ferrario M.E.:
Valutazione meteorologica e micro-meteorologica delle aree ad orografia complessa del Lazio “Campagna CAVEAT-038”
Article on Rapporto Ambiente SNPA - Edizione 2019
- Hoffmann P., Menz C. and Spekat A. (Acknowledgments: Ferrario M.E.):
Bias adjustment for threshold-based climate indicators
Article on ASR Advances in Science and Research
DOI: 10.5194/asr-15-107-2018
- Bonafe' G. and Ferrario M.E.:
Una rete per condividere e interpretare i dati sull'aria
Article on Ecoscienza numero 3/2018
Bologna, Italy
- Barbi A., Ferrario M.E.and Rech F.:
Inverno sui Colli Euganei tempo di inversioni termiche
Article on Rivista Colli Euganei Euganeamente numeri Dicembre Gennaio 2017-2018
Padua, Italy
- Bonafe' G. and Ferrario M.E. :
A dashboard for Near-Real-Time air pollution episodes analysis and support to decision making
Proceedings of the 18th HARMO - Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Bologna, Italy
- Altieri M., Baldi M., Cau S., Ferrario M.E., Gerogiadis T., Zardi D. and Villasmunta V.:
Il processo di certificazione: Vantaggi e opportunità per le figure professionali nell’ambito della meteorologia
Article on Rivista di Meteorologia Aeronautica
- Caumont O., Vincendon B., Cimini D., Loehnert U., Alados-Arboledas L., Bleisch R., Buffa F., Ferrario M.E., Haefele A., Huet T., Madonna F. and Pace G.:
Assimilation of humidity and temperature observations retrieved from ground-based microwave radiometers into a convective-scale NWP model
Abstract on Quaterly Journal of RMS
DOI: 10.1002/qj.2860
- Altieri A., Baldi. M., Ferrario M.E., Ferri M., Georgiadis T. Villasmunta V. and Zardi. D.:
The professional meteorologists and meteorological technicians in Italy: overview of the national legislation and certification scheme
Abstract on EMS Annual Abstracts
- Davolio S., Volonte' A., Manzato A., Pucillo A., Cicogna A., and Ferrario M.E.:
Mechanisms producing different precipitation patterns over North-Eatstern Italy: insights from HyMex-SOP1 and previus events
Article on Quaterly Journal of RMS
ARTICLE [6] submit request to the author
DOI: 10.1002/qj.2731 *
- Barbi A. Ferrario M.E. and Monai M.:
Luglio 2015, un tornado nell'entroterra veneziano
Article on Ecoscienza numero 4/2015
Bologna, Italy
- Davolio S., Ferretti R., Baldini L., Casaioli M., Cimini D., Ferrario M.E., Gentile S., Loglisci N., Maiello I., Manzato A.,Mariani S.,Marsigli C. ,Marzano F.S., Miglietta M.M., Montani A.,Panegrossi G., Pasi F., Pichelli E., Pucillo A. and Zinzi A.:
The role of the Italian scientific community in the first HyMeX SOP: an outstanding multidisciplinary experience
Article on Meteorologische Zeitschrift January 2015
DOI: 10.1127/metz/2015/0624
- Ferrario M.E.:
Introduzione alla meteologia e climatologia
Corso di preparazione all'esame per l'abilitazione alla professione di guida naturalistico-ambientale
Porto Tolle (RO)
Eventi estremi (gentile concessione dr. Adriano Barbi)
06 luglio 2008 - Abano Terme - Downburst
23 ottobre 2013 - Frana Improvvisa
22 ottobre 2013 - Evoluzione Umidita'
15 gennaio 2007 - Teolo Cascata nebbia
- Ferrario M.E:
I'm only a point on the map, but I suspect climate change
Proceeding of Climate Symposium 2014
Darmstad, Germany.
- Manzato A., Davolio S., Miglietta M.M., Pucillo A. and Setvak M. (Acknowledgments: Ferrario M.E.):
12 September 2012: A supercell outbreak in NE Italy?
Article on Atmospheric Research August 2014
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.07.019
- Cimini D., Caumont O., Löhnert U., Alados-Arboledas L., Bleisch R., Fernández-Gá lvez J.,
Huet T., Ferrario M.E., Madonna F., Maier O., Nasir F., Pace G. and Posada R.:
A data assimilation experiment of temperature and humidity profiles from an international
network of ground-based microwave radiometers
Proceeding of MICRORAD 2014 13th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment
Pasadena, California USA
- Ferretti R., Pichelli E., Gentile S., Maiello I., Cimini N., Davolio S., Miglietta M.M., Panegrossi G., Baldini L., Pasi F., Marzano F.S., Zinzi A., Mariani S., Casaioli M., Bartolini G., Loglisci N., Montani A., Marsigli C., Manzato A., Pucillo A., Ferrario M.E, Colaiuda V., and Rotunno R.:
Overview of the first HyMeX Special Observation Period over Italy: observations and model results
Article on NHESS - Natural Hazarads Earth Science - Volume 18, n° August 2014
DOI: 10.5194/hess-18-1953-2014
- Ferrario M.E:
Rubrica Periodica su temi meteorologici
Article on INVENETO Magazine - Numeri: ..., 2012-2014
- Volontè A., Maugeri M., Davolio S.. Acknowledgments: Ferrrario M.E.:
Studio di eventi di precipitazione intensa associata ad differenti caratteristiche del flusso incidente all’orografia alpina, mediante un modello numerico ad alta risoluzione
Università degli Studi di Milano
- Mariani S., Casaioli M., Coraci E., Cordella M., Davolio S., Ferrario M.E., Manzato A., Pucillo A. and Bajo M.:
The impact of different NWP forecasting systems on acqua alta forecasts: Two IOP case studies over the NEI target site
Proceeding of the 7th Hymex Workshop
Cassis, France.
- Davolio S., Volontè A., Buzzi A., Manzato A., Pucillo a., Ferrario M.E. and Fornasiero A.:
Identification of the mechanisms producing different precipitation patterns over North-Eastern Italy: insights from HyMeX-IOP18 and 19 and previous events
Proceeding of the 7th Hymex Workshop
Cassis, France.
- Ferretti R., Pichelli e., Gentile S., Colaiuda V., Maiello I., Rotunno R., Loglisci N., Montani A., Marsigli C., Pucillo A., Manzato A., Ferrario M.E.,
S. Gallino, F. Pasi, G. Bartolini, S. Davolio, G. Panegrossi, M.M. Miglietta, D. Cimini, A. Santacasa, D. Ronconi, S. Mariani and M. Casaioli:
Preliminary analysis of the intensive observation period events occurred in Italy during the HYMEX campaign
Proceedings of the EGU 2013 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Vienna, Austria.
- Ferrario M.E., Rossa A., Sansone M. and Monai M.:
Climatology of the static stability of the night-time Po valley PBL
Proceedings of the 9th ISTP - International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling
L'Aquila, Italy.
- Cimini D., Caumont O., Löhnert U., Alados-Arboledas L., Bleisch R., Fernández-
Gálvez J., Huet T., Ferrario M.E., Madonna F., Maier M., Nasir F., Pace G. and Posada R.:
An international network of ground-based microwave radiometers for the assimilation of temperature and humidity profiles into NWP model
Proceedings of the 9th ISTP - International Symposium onTropospheric Profiling
L'Aquila, Italy.
- Immler F., Vömel H., Sommer M., Reichardt J., Naebert T., Güldner J., Görsdorf U., Dier H., Behrens K., Berger F., Lykov A., Khaykin S., Wirth M., Schumann U., Wienhold F., Deng Z., Bender M., Schmidmer F., Kotik A., Vogelmann H., Trickl T., Spencer A., Sauvage L., Lolli S., Maag R., Philipona R., Calpini B., Turtiainen H., Paukkunen A., Jauhiainen H., Aptiuley A., Wilson K. and Ferrario M.E.:
Results from the Lindenberg Upper-Air Method intercomparison (LUAMI)
Proceedings of the TECO 2010
Helsinki, Finland.
- Ferrario M.E., Rossa A. M., Sansone M. and della Valle A.:
Heterogeneity of accumulation and dispersion conditions for PM10 in the Po Valley
Proceedings of the 13th HARMO - Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Paris, France.
poster - internet
- De Vettori S., Vescovo E., Lorenzet K., Tait M.L., Susanetti L., Ferrario M.E., Pillon S. and Morandi R.:
INEMAR Veneto: stima delle emissioni regionali di PM
Proceedings of the 4th CNPA - Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico
Venice, Italy.
- Güldner J., Christoph A., Engelbart D., Ferrario M.E., Heret C., Löhnert U., Madonna F., Ruffieix D., Wrench C.L. and Zoll Y.:
Towards the comparably of microwave observation: Results from a temporary profile network
during the WMO campaign LUAMI in November 2008
Proceedings of the 8th ISTP - International symposium on Tropospheric Profiling
Delft, The Netherlands.
ISBN 978-90-6960-233-2
- Ferrario M.E., Rossa A. M., and Pernigotti D.:
Characterization of PM10 accumulation periods in the Po
valley by means of boundary layer profiler
Proceedings of the 14th ISARS - International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing
Roskilde, Denmark.
- Rossa A. M., Pernigotti D., Ferrario M.E. and Sansone M.:
Application of a PBL profiling network to air quality in the Po valley region Veneto - elements of an NWP model validation
Proceedings of the 11th HARMO - Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Pernigotti D., Rossa A., Ferrario M.E., Sansone M., and Benassi A.:
Influence of ABL stability on the diurnal cycle of PM10 concentration:
illustration of the potential of the new Veneto network of MW-radiometers and SODAR
Article on Meteorologische Zeitschrift - Volume 16, n° 5 October 2007
ARTICLE [1] (fast track)
DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2007/2004
- Rossa A.M., Pernigotti D., Ferrario M.E., Sansone M. and Benassi A.:
Documentation of diurnal cycle of PM10 concentration for the urban site of Venice-Mestre
Proceedings of the 6th UAQ - International Conference on Urban Air Quality
Limassol, Cyprus.
- Pernigotti D., Rossa A.M., Ferrario M.E. and Sansone M.:
Application of a network of MW-Radiometers and SODAR for the verification of meteorological forecasting models
Proceedings of the 6th UAQ - International Conference on Urban Air Quality
Limassol, Cyprus.
- Pernigotti D., Benassi A., Rossa A.M., Sansone M. and Ferrario M.E.:
Presentation of a network of MW-Radiometers and SODARs in the Italian region of Veneto
Proceedings of the 13th ISARS - International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Sansone M., Bressan M., Pernigotti D., Rossa A.M., Ferrario M.E. and Benassi A.:
A multiple regression approach to forecasting PM10 concentration in the city of Padua, Italy
Proceedings of the 6th ICUC - International Conference on Urban Climate.
Göteborg, Sweden.
- Ferrario M.E., Pernigotti D., Rossa A.M. and Sansone M.:
Presentation and first assessment of a radiometer network in the Italian region Veneto
Proceedings of the 6th ICUC - International Conference on Urban Climate
Göteborg, Sweden.
- Pernigotti D., Sansone M., and Ferrario M.E.:
Validation of one-year LAMI model re-analysis on the Po-Valley, northern Italy.
Comparison to CALMET output on the sub-area of Veneto
Proceedings of the 10th HARMO - Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Sissi Crete, Greece.
- Sansone M., Pernigotti D., and Ferrario M.E.:
Application of CALMET model to the Veneto region,
with particular attention to the shoreline,
using offshore data for initialisation
Proceedings of the 1st H&AQ International Conference on Harbours & Air Quality
Genoa, Italy.
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