2021 Meteo World Conferences

08 mar 19 mar more Agricoltural Meteorology for a climate smart agricolture Everywhere World
11 mar . more Next-Gen Aviation Weather Solutions for Dispatch, Pilots and Flight Ops Overview and Demo Webinar Everywhere World
18 mar . more Il bilancio idrologico nazionale - Valutazioni delle sue componenti mediante il modello Big Bang Everywhere World
23 mar . more Celebrating 70 Years of Progress in Weather, Climate and Water Everywhere World
14 apr 16 apr more Machine learning for numerical weather predictions and climate services – A workshop for Member and Cooperating States Everywhere World
27 apr . more Impact of climate change on child health Everywhere World
26 apr . more EUMETSAT Data services short course at EGU 2021 Everywhere World
27 apr . more Climate change and our future | driving the transition Everywhere World
28 apr . more Atmospheric Composition - an EGU Short Course using Copernicus data Everywhere World
07 may . more Webinar invitation: Can we use the operational MetCoOp ensemble to generate background error statistics? Everywhere World
10 may . more CMCC: Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe: a new EEA report on Nature-based solutions Everywhere World
10 may 12 may more 2nd TEAMx Workshop Everywhere World
12 may . more CMCC: Adriadapt Il clima sta cambiando! Esperienze di adattamento locale Everywhere World
17 may 21 may more Climate Exp0 - pre-COP26 UK-ITA Virtual Conference Everywhere World
15 may . more IFMS Webinar: GWE Initiative of WBG & WMO Everywhere World
25 feb 06 jun more Environmental Meteorology: from the fundamentals of climate to operational applications Everywhere World
08 jun 10 jun more ICAM - on line event 2021 Everywhere World
08 jun . more ADRIADAPT | Final Conference - Knowledge for Local Resilience Everywhere World
14 jun 18 jun more 20th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes Tartu Estonia
16 jun . more Zero Carbon - Michael E. Mann - Marina Lalovic Everywhere World
25 jun . more In-situ CO2 monitoring in different domains: the integrated atmospheric-oceanographic climate observatory at Lampedusa Everywhere World
02 jun 30 jun more ESSL Afternoons with convection! Everywhere World
21 jul 23 jul more The Virtual Atmosphere-Cryosphere-Ocean seminar series (VACO-21) Everywhere World
15 set . more Water in agriculture: a better use for a better world Everywhere World
06 sep 18 sep more Sixth training school on Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) detecting, monitoring and modeling Everywhere World
08 sep 09 sep more Climate Neutrality Forum Everywhere World
09 nov . more Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to improve surface weather forecasts Everywhere World
06 dec 10 dec more Convencion Meteorologia 2021 Habana Cuba
14 dec . more Innovation and Cutting-edge Activities in Space-borne Precipitation Measurements and Application Everywhere World
14 dec . more LIFE VEG-GAP project: second Project Conference and Networking Event Everywhere World
