2018 Meteo Italy Conferences

18 jan more Consapevolezza sui rischi meteo e conoscenza del territorio - Temporali Autorigeneranti
Siena Italy
28 jan 01 feb more I previsori meteo dei Servizio Nazionale di PC
Roma Italy
26 jan more "Per non cambiare il clima... cambiamo noi!" - L'impegno di tutti tra efficienza energetica ed energie rinnovabili
Feltre Italy
29 jan 01 feb more I previsori meteo nel Servizio Nazionale della Protezione Civile
Roma Italy
01 feb more “Cambiamenti climatici e scenari di rischio”: seminario ai Georgofili
Florence Italy
08 feb more Consapevolezza sui rischi meteo e conoscenza del territorio
Siena Italy
15 feb more Profilatori Verticali in Meteorologia
L'Aquila Italy
15 feb more La protezione civile nei nuovi scenari di rischio alluvione
Pisa Italy
17 feb more Evento Downburst
Venice Italy
20 feb . more Conferenza su La Storia della Meteorologia
Roma Italy
22 feb more Sviluppo di una versione online del modello WRF CHIMERE per la simulazione degli effetti diretti e indiretti degli aerosol
L'Aquila Italy
27 feb more Summit in Climate Change
Milano Italy
01 mar more Tempo per volare: il ruolo di ENAV nella meteorologia aeronautica
L'Aquila Italy
09 mar . more I tempo e i cambiamenti climatici Malo (VI) Italy
10 mar more 7a Giornata Meteorologia - Siccità e alluvioni arrivano da lontano: Viaggio nel clima che cambia
Busca (CN) Italy
10 mar more Cambia il clima in FVG: presentazione del nuovo studio
Gorizia Italy
15 mar more Consapevolezza sui rischi meteo e conoscenza del territorio
Siena Italy
21 mar more Adapting to climate change in Europe: linking knowledge, policies and practices
Bologna Italy
23 mar more Giornata Meteorologica Mondiale 2018 - Weather-Ready / Climate Smart
Roma Italy
23 mar more Il meteo in montagna
Piove di Sacco (PD) Italy
24 mar more Porte Aperte allo Storico Osservatorio del Cavanis
Venice Italy
29 mar more La turbolenza della parte bassa della troposfera
L'Aquila Italy
05 apr more Testing of dual-polarization processing algorithms for radar rainfall estimation in tropical scenarios
L'Aquila Italy
05 apr more Current research on climate and weather extremes in Australia: a focus on (different flavours of) cyclones
Bologna Italy
07 apr more Non ci sono più le mezze stagioni
Vicenza Italy
11 apr more Il clima sta cambiando ma noi siamo pronti?
Campogalliano (MO) Italy
11 apr more Artico. La Battaglia per il grande Nord
Venice Italy
13 apr more Quarta giornata Scienza e Ambiente: La radiazione solare ultravioletta nell'atmosfera terrestre: variabilità ed implicazioni biologiche
L'Aquila Italy
13 apr more A Venezia Ca' Foscari e CMCC inaugurano il Centro di ricerca sul clima
Venice Italy
14 apr more Atlante dei climi e microclimi della Lombardia – Volume II
Nerviano (MI) Italy
16 apr more La Margherita di Adele 2.0
San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Italy
16 apr more Il clima che verrà
Bassano del Grappa (VI) Italy
16 apr more Predictabilty of weather and climate
L'Aquila Italy
17 apr more Il prezzo del benessere economico
Vicenza Italy
17 apr . more Quale futuro per il pianeta tra riscaldamento globale e nuove tecnologie a difesa dell'ambiente
Villaverla (VI) Italy
17 apr more CMCC Webinar: “Mapping innovation: a global outlook of Climate Services”
Everywhere World
19 apr 21 apr more Aerosols 2018 -5th Workplace and Indoor Aerosols Conference
Cassino (FR) Italy
19 apr more Comunicare le previsioni meteo
L'Aquila Italy
19 apr more Corso di Meteorologia - Conoscere il tempo che cambia e autoproteggersi
Vicenza Italy
20 apr more Serata Meteo per il volo libero
Vallelaghi (TN) Italy
23 apr more Climate change impacts on the marine ecosystem - bridging the gap from ESM projections in ecosystem services" target="_blank"> Bologna Italy
26 apr . more Remote sensing analysis ofsedimentplumes: from spectral signature to coastal morphodynamic diagnosi
L'Aquila Italy
30 apr . more Ma come facevano i nostri avi senza le previsioni del tempo ?
Morsano in strada (UD) Italy
03 may more Improvement of RAMS precipitation forecast at the short-range through lightning data assimilation
L'Aquila Italy
04 may more La meteorologia a supporto delle decisioni di Protezione Civile
Monza Italy
10 mag more Seminar by Prof. Sir Brian Hoskins on 'The Challenge of Climate Change'
Pisa Italy
11 may 12 may more Padre Angelo Secchi
Reggio Emilia Italy
11 may . more Conferenza su Il Collegio Romano e Padre Secchi
Roma Italy
18 may more La meteorologia parole per raccontarla - Seminario di formazione per giornalisti
Teolo (PD) Italy
19 may more Meteorologia e comunicazione
Campobasso Italy
21 may more Velocity statistics for point vortices in the local alpha -models of turbulence
Bologna Italy
23 may 25 may more PM2018
Matera Italy
31 may more Implementation and validation of a fire emission tool in CHIMERE
L'Aquila Italy
29 may 02 jun more 11th HyMeX Workshop Lecce Italy
07 jun more Clima urbano e processi di adattamento: l’uso delle Nature Based Solution per rendere più resilienti le città
L'Aquila Italy
08 jun . more L'importanza della meteorologia nelle attività antropiche Fisciano (SA) Italy
11 jun 20 jun more International Summer School on Applications with the Newest Multi-spectral Environmental Satellites Bracciano (RM) Italy
14 jun more La difficile arte di costruire modelli - I centri funzionali ed il sistema di allertamento della protezione civile
L'Aquila Italy
14 jun more Aperte le iscrizioni a LMAST, la prima laurea magistrale interateneo e internazionale dedicata in Italia esclusivamente alla Scienza e tecnologia dell’atmosfera L'Aquila Italy
16 jun more Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump Milano Italy
18 jun more Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump Milano Italy
18 jun 22 jun more Summer School: Precipitation: remote sensing and modelling Castro Marina (LE) Italy
18 jun more Climate change and hydrological cycle in continental cryospheric areas: lessons learned and future perspectives from three and a half continents Bologna Italy
20 jun more Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump Venice Italy
21 jun more A high resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere-forecast of the Adriatic Sea: preliminary results of test cases using ROMS+SWAN+WRF
L'Aquila Italy
22 jun more Flooding across the Central United States: ieri oggi e domani Bologna Italy
22 jun more Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump Torino Italy
23 jun more Inaguarazione Museo Generale Edmondo Bernacca Fivizzano (MS) Italy
25 jun more Past climate and environmental changes in North Africa: implications for regional predictions
Rising climate variance and tendency for global synchrony in marine ecological systems
Bologna Italy
26 jun more The impacts of Sahara greening on the West African Monsoon and its teleconnections to ENSO and tropical cyclones during the African Humid Period
Corals, climate, and our carbon future
Bologna Italy
27 jun more Pacific Decadal Variability and Meridional Modes Bologna Italy
28 jun . more Seminari del CETEMPS
L'Aquila Italy
28 jun more Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump Trento Italy
02 jul 06 jul more International Summer School – conference SOlar Radiation Based Established Techniques for aTmospheric Observations: SORBETTO
Roma Italy
05 jul . more Climate predictability, stochastic modelling and inexact computing
Pisa Italy
05 apr more Surfing white waves: impacts of a severe storm on the winter marginal ice zone in the Southern Ocean
Bologna Italy
05 jul 06 jul more Cambiamenti climatici e variazioni del livello del Mar Mediterraneo
Roma Italy
06 jul more A unified view of the (North and South) American Monsoon System via cross-equatorial fluxes
Bologna Italy
12 jul . more Seminari del CETEMPS
L'Aquila Italy
13 jul . more WIVERN: a proposed Satellite to Provide Global Winds, Ice Water Content and Rainfall
Bologna Italy
26 jun more Formation mechanism of Anticyclonic Eddies South East of Sri Lanka during Summer Monsoons Bologna Italy
27 ago 31 ago more ISSAOS-2018 - Climate changes: regional modeling, data analysis and uncertainties
L'Aquila Italy
06 sep . more Detection of hail and cloud-to-ground lightning events using a low-cost and portable X-band weather radar
L'Aquila Italy
10 sep 13 sep more AISAM Primo Convegno Annuale (CN1) Bologna Italy
01 oct 05 oct more Seminar: Forecasting Severe Convection I
Wiener Neustadt Austria
02 oct . more Clima urbano e isola di calore in un contesto di cambiamento climatico Roma Italy
02 oct . more Meteorologia in montagna Noventa Vicentina (VI) Italy
02 oct . more Master in Environmental Meteorology - Opening Ceremony Trento Italy
28 sep 06 oct more Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) detecting, monitoring and modeling Nicolosi (CT) Italy
06 oct . more 4° Tavolo UNI-MET Genova Italy
06 oct . more Eventi meteorologici estremi: fake news, prevenzione e comunicazione corretta Potenza Italy
11 oct . more Operationalising weather and climate services for robust water resources management and planning
Bologna Italy
12 oct . more  An investigation of ocean model uncertainty through ensemble forecast and data assimilation simulations in the southwest atlantic ocean
Bologna Italy
12 oct more Advanced Meteorology Workshop - I modelli concettuali Venice Italy
13 oct more Prima giornata della Meteorologia Senese Siena Italy
15 oct . more Introductory lecture dell'Advanced study course on climate science
Bologna Italy
17 oct 19 oct more Sesta Conferenza Annuale SISC Venice-Mestre Italy
17 oct 19 oct more JONSMOD 2018 Conference Florence Italy
22 oct . more Concepts of regional climate servicing
Bologna Italy
23 oct . more Operationalising weather and climate services for robust water resources management and planning
Bologna Italy
24 oct . more Concepts of downscaling
Bologna Italy
25 oct . more What have we learned from global 0.1-degree ocean simulations?
Bologna Italy
25 oct 26 oct more Climathon event in Rome Roma Italy
26 oct more The role of noise in climate and in climate analysis Venice Italy
26 oct more Advanced Meteorology Workshop - I modelli numerici Venice Italy
26 oct more Centenario del Servizio Idrografico Nazionale L'Aquila Italy
05 nov . more Rischio alluvionale: 7 sfide per il 2020 Florence Italy
07 nov . more
XXXVI Giornata dell'Ambiente - Convegno Variazioni del livello del mare dovute ai cambiamenti climatici Roma Italy
08 nov . more Tra energia e ambiente: modellizzazione del microclima urbano L'Aquila Italy
09 nov . more Driving innovation together: WMO reform and research
Bologna Italy
12 nov . more Ensemble assimilation and stochastic parametrization in a high resolution model of the NorthWest Atlantic
Bologna Italy
16 nov 18 nov more Festivalmeteorologia Rovereto (TN) Italy
16 nov 18 nov more Premio "Sergio Borghi" - 2a Edizione Milano - Trento Italy
23 nov . more Premio scientifico denominato "MeteoClima FVG" Udine Italy
24 nov . more 27-30 ottobre 2018, Depressione "Vaia" la tempesta del secolo ? Sappada/Plodn (UD) Italy
28 nov . more History of the futures: The IPCC scenarios 1988-2018 Bologna Italy
30 nov . more Sotto il cielo della Lombardia. Convegno sulla storia della Meteorologia regionale e sulla figura di Salvatore Furia
Milan Italy
30 dic . more Meteorologia in montagna Teramo Italy
03 dec 05 dec more CMCC Workshop – Methods and tools to assess multi-hazard risk, vulnerability and resilience Bologna Italy
08 dec 09 more Veneto Friends - Uniti per il Veneto - raccolta fondi per aiutare l'altopiano di Asiago e tutta la provincia di Belluno che sono state devastate dal maltempo Grantorto Italy
12 dec . more I fenomeni alluvionali e l'evento del 1868: cause, conseguenze e insegnamenti per il futuro Verbania Pallanza (VB) Italy
12 dec . more Solidarietà climatica - Come i saperi scientifici reagiscono ai disastri ambientali Trieste Italy
13 dec . more “Climate services in the finance sector: insights for users and providers of climate data and information” Bologna Italy
13 dec . more #EU2050: Get ready for climate change: Today’s European adaptation policies and outlook towards 2050 Bologna Italy
15 dec . more Inauguraizone nuova Stazione Meteorologica "Tor Sapienza" Roma Italy
18 dec . more “IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C: An overview of the main outcomes” Bologna Italy
20 dec . more Mesoscale Variability in the Circulation and Hydrography of the Denmark Strait Overflow Bologna Italy
21 dec . more I negoziati sul clima a Katowice: esiti della COP24 Bologna Italy
