2018 Meteo Italy Conferences
January | |||||
18 jan | more | Consapevolezza sui rischi meteo e conoscenza del territorio - Temporali Autorigeneranti |
Siena | Italy | |
28 jan | 01 feb | more | I previsori meteo dei Servizio Nazionale di PC |
Roma | Italy |
26 jan | more | "Per non cambiare il clima... cambiamo noi!" - L'impegno di tutti tra efficienza energetica ed energie rinnovabili |
Feltre | Italy | |
February | |||||
29 jan | 01 feb | more | I previsori meteo nel Servizio Nazionale della Protezione Civile |
Roma | Italy |
01 feb | more | “Cambiamenti climatici e scenari di rischio”: seminario ai Georgofili |
Florence | Italy | |
08 feb | more | Consapevolezza sui rischi meteo e conoscenza del territorio |
Siena | Italy | |
15 feb | more | Profilatori Verticali in Meteorologia |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
15 feb | more | La protezione civile nei nuovi scenari di rischio alluvione |
Pisa | Italy | |
17 feb | more | Evento Downburst |
Venice | Italy | |
20 feb | . | more | Conferenza su La Storia della Meteorologia |
Roma | Italy |
22 feb | more | Sviluppo di una versione online del modello WRF CHIMERE per la simulazione degli effetti diretti e indiretti degli aerosol |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
27 feb | more | Summit in Climate Change |
Milano | Italy | |
March | |||||
01 mar | more | Tempo per volare: il ruolo di ENAV nella meteorologia aeronautica |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
09 mar | . | more | I tempo e i cambiamenti climatici | Malo (VI) | Italy |
10 mar | more | 7a Giornata Meteorologia - Siccità e alluvioni arrivano da lontano: Viaggio nel clima che cambia |
Busca (CN) | Italy | |
10 mar | more | Cambia il clima in FVG: presentazione del nuovo studio |
Gorizia | Italy | |
15 mar | more | Consapevolezza sui rischi meteo e conoscenza del territorio |
Siena | Italy | |
21 mar | more | Adapting to climate change in Europe: linking knowledge, policies and practices |
Bologna | Italy | |
23 mar | more | Giornata Meteorologica Mondiale 2018 - Weather-Ready / Climate Smart |
Roma | Italy | |
23 mar | more | Il meteo in montagna |
Piove di Sacco (PD) | Italy | |
24 mar | more | Porte Aperte allo Storico Osservatorio del Cavanis |
Venice | Italy | |
29 mar | more | La turbolenza della parte bassa della troposfera |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
April | |||||
05 apr | more | Testing of dual-polarization processing algorithms for radar rainfall estimation in tropical scenarios |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
05 apr | more | Current research on climate and weather extremes in Australia: a focus on (different flavours of) cyclones |
Bologna | Italy | |
07 apr | more | Non ci sono più le mezze stagioni |
Vicenza | Italy | |
11 apr | more | Il clima sta cambiando ma noi siamo pronti? |
Campogalliano (MO) | Italy | |
11 apr | more | Artico. La Battaglia per il grande Nord |
Venice | Italy | |
13 apr | more | Quarta giornata Scienza e Ambiente: La radiazione solare ultravioletta nell'atmosfera terrestre: variabilità ed implicazioni biologiche |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
13 apr | more | A Venezia Ca' Foscari e CMCC inaugurano il Centro di ricerca sul clima |
Venice | Italy | |
14 apr | more | Atlante dei climi e microclimi della Lombardia – Volume II |
Nerviano (MI) | Italy | |
16 apr | more | La Margherita di Adele 2.0 |
San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) | Italy | |
16 apr | more | Il clima che verrà |
Bassano del Grappa (VI) | Italy | |
16 apr | more | Predictabilty of weather and climate |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
17 apr | more | Il prezzo del benessere economico |
Vicenza | Italy | |
17 apr | . | more | Quale futuro per il pianeta tra riscaldamento globale e nuove tecnologie a difesa dell'ambiente |
Villaverla (VI) | Italy |
17 apr | more | CMCC Webinar: “Mapping innovation: a global outlook of Climate Services” |
Everywhere | World | |
19 apr | 21 apr | more | Aerosols 2018 -5th Workplace and Indoor Aerosols Conference |
Cassino (FR) | Italy |
19 apr | more | Comunicare le previsioni meteo |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
19 apr | more | Corso di Meteorologia - Conoscere il tempo che cambia e autoproteggersi |
Vicenza | Italy | |
20 apr | more | Serata Meteo per il volo libero |
Vallelaghi (TN) | Italy | |
23 apr | more | Climate change impacts on the marine ecosystem - bridging the gap from ESM projections in ecosystem services" target="_blank"> | Bologna | Italy | |
26 apr | . | more | Remote sensing analysis ofsedimentplumes: from spectral signature to coastal morphodynamic diagnosi |
L'Aquila | Italy |
30 apr | . | more | Ma come facevano i nostri avi senza le previsioni del tempo ? |
Morsano in strada (UD) | Italy |
May | |||||
03 may | more | Improvement of RAMS precipitation forecast at the short-range through lightning data assimilation |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
04 may | more | La meteorologia a supporto delle decisioni di Protezione Civile |
Monza | Italy | |
10 mag | more | Seminar by Prof. Sir Brian Hoskins on 'The Challenge of Climate Change' |
Pisa | Italy | |
11 may | 12 may | more | Padre Angelo Secchi |
Reggio Emilia | Italy |
11 may | . | more | Conferenza su Il Collegio Romano e Padre Secchi |
Roma | Italy |
18 may | more | La meteorologia parole per raccontarla - Seminario di formazione per giornalisti |
Teolo (PD) | Italy | |
19 may | more | Meteorologia e comunicazione |
Campobasso | Italy | |
21 may | more | Velocity statistics for point vortices in the local alpha -models of turbulence |
Bologna | Italy | |
23 may | 25 may | more | PM2018 |
Matera | Italy |
31 may | more | Implementation and validation of a fire emission tool in CHIMERE |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
June | |||||
29 may | 02 jun | more | 11th HyMeX Workshop | Lecce | Italy |
07 jun | more | Clima urbano e processi di adattamento: l’uso delle Nature Based Solution per rendere più resilienti le città |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
08 jun | . | more | L'importanza della meteorologia nelle attività antropiche | Fisciano (SA) | Italy |
11 jun | 20 jun | more | International Summer School on Applications with the Newest Multi-spectral Environmental Satellites | Bracciano (RM) | Italy |
14 jun | more | La difficile arte di costruire modelli - I centri funzionali ed il sistema di allertamento della protezione civile |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
14 jun | more | Aperte le iscrizioni a LMAST, la prima laurea magistrale interateneo e internazionale dedicata in Italia esclusivamente alla Scienza e tecnologia dell’atmosfera | L'Aquila | Italy | |
16 jun | more | Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump | Milano | Italy | |
18 jun | more | Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump | Milano | Italy | |
18 jun | 22 jun | more | Summer School: Precipitation: remote sensing and modelling | Castro Marina (LE) | Italy |
18 jun | more | Climate change and hydrological cycle in continental cryospheric areas: lessons learned and future perspectives from three and a half continents | Bologna | Italy | |
20 jun | more | Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump | Venice | Italy | |
21 jun | more | A high resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere-forecast of the Adriatic Sea: preliminary results of test cases using ROMS+SWAN+WRF |
L'Aquila | Italy | |
22 jun | more | Flooding across the Central United States: ieri oggi e domani | Bologna | Italy | |
22 jun | more | Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump | Torino | Italy | |
23 jun | more | Inaguarazione Museo Generale Edmondo Bernacca | Fivizzano (MS) | Italy | |
25 jun | more | Past climate and environmental changes in North Africa: implications for regional predictions Rising climate variance and tendency for global synchrony in marine ecological systems |
Bologna | Italy | |
26 jun | more | The impacts of Sahara greening on the West African Monsoon and its teleconnections to ENSO and tropical cyclones during the African Humid Period Corals, climate, and our carbon future |
Bologna | Italy | |
27 jun | more | Pacific Decadal Variability and Meridional Modes | Bologna | Italy | |
28 jun | . | more | Seminari del CETEMPS |
L'Aquila | Italy |
28 jun | more | Return to madhouse: climate change denial in the age of Trump | Trento | Italy | |
July | |||||
02 jul | 06 jul | more | International Summer School – conference SOlar Radiation Based Established Techniques for aTmospheric Observations: SORBETTO |
Roma | Italy |
05 jul | . | more | Climate predictability, stochastic modelling and inexact computing |
Pisa | Italy |
05 apr | more | Surfing white waves: impacts of a severe storm on the winter marginal ice zone in the Southern Ocean |
Bologna | Italy | |
05 jul | 06 jul | more | Cambiamenti climatici e variazioni del livello del Mar Mediterraneo |
Roma | Italy |
06 jul | more | A unified view of the (North and South) American Monsoon System via cross-equatorial fluxes |
Bologna | Italy | |
12 jul | . | more | Seminari del CETEMPS |
L'Aquila | Italy |
13 jul | . | more | WIVERN: a proposed Satellite to Provide Global Winds, Ice Water Content and Rainfall |
Bologna | Italy |
26 jun | more | Formation mechanism of Anticyclonic Eddies South East of Sri Lanka during Summer Monsoons | Bologna | Italy | |
August | |||||
27 ago | 31 ago | more | ISSAOS-2018 - Climate changes: regional modeling, data analysis and uncertainties |
L'Aquila | Italy |
September | |||||
06 sep | . | more | Detection of hail and cloud-to-ground lightning events using a low-cost and portable X-band weather radar |
L'Aquila | Italy |
10 sep | 13 sep | more | AISAM Primo Convegno Annuale (CN1) | Bologna | Italy |
October | |||||
01 oct | 05 oct | more | Seminar: Forecasting Severe Convection I |
Wiener Neustadt | Austria |
02 oct | . | more | Clima urbano e isola di calore in un contesto di cambiamento climatico | Roma | Italy |
02 oct | . | more | Meteorologia in montagna | Noventa Vicentina (VI) | Italy |
02 oct | . | more | Master in Environmental Meteorology - Opening Ceremony | Trento | Italy |
28 sep | 06 oct | more | Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) detecting, monitoring and modeling | Nicolosi (CT) | Italy |
06 oct | . | more | 4° Tavolo UNI-MET | Genova | Italy |
06 oct | . | more | Eventi meteorologici estremi: fake news, prevenzione e comunicazione corretta | Potenza | Italy |
11 oct | . | more | Operationalising weather and climate services for robust water resources management and planning |
Bologna | Italy |
12 oct | . | more | An investigation of ocean model uncertainty through ensemble forecast and data assimilation simulations in the southwest atlantic ocean |
Bologna | Italy |
12 oct | more | Advanced Meteorology Workshop - I modelli concettuali | Venice | Italy | |
13 oct | more | Prima giornata della Meteorologia Senese | Siena | Italy | |
15 oct | . | more | Introductory lecture dell'Advanced study course on climate science |
Bologna | Italy |
17 oct | 19 oct | more | Sesta Conferenza Annuale SISC | Venice-Mestre | Italy |
17 oct | 19 oct | more | JONSMOD 2018 Conference | Florence | Italy |
22 oct | . | more | Concepts of regional climate servicing |
Bologna | Italy |
23 oct | . | more | Operationalising weather and climate services for robust water resources management and planning |
Bologna | Italy |
24 oct | . | more | Concepts of downscaling |
Bologna | Italy |
25 oct | . | more | What have we learned from global 0.1-degree ocean simulations? |
Bologna | Italy |
25 oct | 26 oct | more | Climathon event in Rome | Roma | Italy |
26 oct | more | The role of noise in climate and in climate analysis | Venice | Italy | |
26 oct | more | Advanced Meteorology Workshop - I modelli numerici | Venice | Italy | |
26 oct | more | Centenario del Servizio Idrografico Nazionale | L'Aquila | Italy | |
November | |||||
05 nov | . | more | Rischio alluvionale: 7 sfide per il 2020 | Florence | Italy |
07 nov | . | more more |
XXXVI Giornata dell'Ambiente - Convegno Variazioni del livello del mare dovute ai cambiamenti climatici | Roma | Italy |
08 nov | . | more | Tra energia e ambiente: modellizzazione del microclima urbano | L'Aquila | Italy |
09 nov | . | more | Driving innovation together: WMO reform and research |
Bologna | Italy |
12 nov | . | more | Ensemble assimilation and stochastic parametrization in a high resolution model of the NorthWest Atlantic |
Bologna | Italy |
16 nov | 18 nov | more | Festivalmeteorologia | Rovereto (TN) | Italy |
16 nov | 18 nov | more | Premio "Sergio Borghi" - 2a Edizione | Milano - Trento | Italy |
23 nov | . | more | Premio scientifico denominato "MeteoClima FVG" | Udine | Italy |
24 nov | . | more | 27-30 ottobre 2018, Depressione "Vaia" la tempesta del secolo ? | Sappada/Plodn (UD) | Italy |
28 nov | . | more | History of the futures: The IPCC scenarios 1988-2018 | Bologna | Italy |
30 nov | . | more | Sotto il cielo della Lombardia. Convegno sulla storia della Meteorologia regionale e sulla figura di Salvatore Furia |
Milan | Italy |
30 dic | . | more | Meteorologia in montagna | Teramo | Italy |
December | |||||
03 dec | 05 dec | more | CMCC Workshop – Methods and tools to assess multi-hazard risk, vulnerability and resilience | Bologna | Italy |
08 dec | 09 | more | Veneto Friends - Uniti per il Veneto - raccolta fondi per aiutare l'altopiano di Asiago e tutta la provincia di Belluno che sono state devastate dal maltempo | Grantorto | Italy |
12 dec | . | more | I fenomeni alluvionali e l'evento del 1868: cause, conseguenze e insegnamenti per il futuro | Verbania Pallanza (VB) | Italy |
12 dec | . | more | Solidarietà climatica - Come i saperi scientifici reagiscono ai disastri ambientali | Trieste | Italy |
13 dec | . | more | “Climate services in the finance sector: insights for users and providers of climate data and information” | Bologna | Italy |
13 dec | . | more | #EU2050: Get ready for climate change: Today’s European adaptation policies and outlook towards 2050 | Bologna | Italy |
15 dec | . | more | Inauguraizone nuova Stazione Meteorologica "Tor Sapienza" | Roma | Italy |
18 dec | . | more | “IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C: An overview of the main outcomes” | Bologna | Italy |
20 dec | . | more | Mesoscale Variability in the Circulation and Hydrography of the Denmark Strait Overflow | Bologna | Italy |
21 dec | . | more | I negoziati sul clima a Katowice: esiti della COP24 | Bologna | Italy |