2011 Meteo Italy Conferences
January | |||||
27 jan | 31 jan | more | Klimahouse | Bozen | Italy |
February | |||||
03 feb | . | more | La ricerca, il tempo e la biodiversità. Le sfide ancora aperte dopo il 2010 e il ruolo della ricerca ecologica a lungo termine |
Roma | Italy |
06 feb | 12 feb | more | Water Vapour in the Climate System (WAVACS) | Venice | Italy |
14 feb | . | more | Metodi di post-processing in uso presso il Centro Funzionale di Arpa Piemonte | Bologna |
Italy |
22 feb | . | more | Ensamble forecasting at ECMWF: Towards an improved quantification of uncertainties | Bologna | Italy |
23 feb | 25 feb | more | SRNWP Workshop on DA and EPS |
Bologna | Italy |
March | |||||
10 mar | 11 mar | more | Giornate di Studio su: "Impatto delle modificazioni climatiche su rischi e risorse naturali. Strategie e criteri d'intervento per l'adattamento e la mitigazione" | Bari | Italy |
April | |||||
21 apr | . | more | Application of Radars in Oceanography and Marine Meteorology | Bologna | Italy |
27 apr | . | more | Sviluppi e prospettive della Radarmeteorologia in Italia e in Emilia Romagna | Bologna | Italy |
May | |||||
07 may | . | more | Agrometeorologia e fenomeni atmosferici violenti | Conegliano | Italy |
20 may | 22 may | more | Terrafutura | Firenze | Italy |
30 may | . | more | Real time flood forecast coupling meteorological and hydrological models | Bologna | Italy |
June | |||||
06 jun | 09 jun | more | MedCLIVAR Final Conference - Mediterranean Climate: From Past to Future | Lecce | Italy |
06 jun | 09 jun | more | 3rd International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean |
Marina di Pristicci | Italy |
07 jun | 09 jun | more | XIV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia | Bologna | Italy |
09 jun | . | more | Nucleazione di particelle ultrafini in Pianura Padana | Bologna | Italy |
16 jun | 18 jun | more | 14 th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis "Governing Global Challenges: Climate Change, Trade, Finance and Development |
Venice | Italy |
20 jun | 29 jun | more | Course XIX - Regional Climate Dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond. An Earth System perspective | Valsavarenche, Valle d'Aosta | Italy |
July | |||||
13 jul | . | more | Una iniziativa di supporto alla Agenzia Ambientale Europea: European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) |
Bologna | Italy |
18 jul | 22 jul | more | 1st Italian Summer Polar School for Science Teachers | Genova | Italy |
August | |||||
September | |||||
30 aug | 02 sep | more | COSMO, un modello per studiare i cambiamenti climatici su scala regionale | Cava dei Tirreni | Italy |
05 sep | 11 sep | more | Climaticamente...cambiando - Trentino Clima 2011 | Trento | Italy |
07 sep | 09 sep | more | EGU Topical Conference Series 13th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms |
Savona | Italy |
13 sep | 15 sep | more | The future of Venice | Venice | Italy |
13 sep | 16 sep | more | Air Quality and Climate Change: Interactions and Feedbacks | Urbino | Italy |
October | |||||
01 oct | 02 oct | more | I colloqui di Dobbiaco | Dobbiaco | Italy |
20 oct | 22 oct | more | Local Energy Day | Città di Castello | Italy |
26 oct | . | more | Data assimilation (4DVar) a UK Met Office | Bologna | Italy |
27 oct | . | more | An integrated observing system for boundary layer monitoring at Concordia (Antarctic plateau): from STABLEDC to ABLCLIMAT | Bologna | Italy |
November | |||||
03 nov | . | more | Il monitoraggio satellitare della qualita' dell'acqua in laghi od invasi artificiali | Bologna | Italy |
03 nov | 04 nov | more | Recent Trends in Non Market Valuation | Venice | Italy |
15 nov | 17 nov | more | The future of Venice | Venice | Italy |
December | |||||
02 dec | . | more | I risultati del progetto Moniter - Effetti degli inceneritori su ambiente e salute in Emilia Romagna | Bologna | Italy |
06 dec | . | more | COSMO-CORSO activity and information about FROST-2014 project | Bologna | Italy |
15 dec | . | more | Recenti alluvioni in Liguria: aspetti meteorologici e operativi | Bologna | Italy |