2011 Meteo Italy Conferences

27 jan 31 jan more Klimahouse Bozen Italy
03 feb . more La ricerca, il tempo e la biodiversità. Le sfide ancora aperte dopo il 2010 e il ruolo della ricerca ecologica a lungo termine
Roma Italy
06 feb 12 feb more Water Vapour in the Climate System (WAVACS) Venice Italy
14 feb . more Metodi di post-processing in uso presso il Centro Funzionale di Arpa Piemonte


22 feb . more Ensamble forecasting at ECMWF: Towards an improved quantification of uncertainties Bologna Italy
23 feb 25 feb more

SRNWP Workshop on DA and EPS

Bologna Italy
10 mar 11 mar more Giornate di Studio su: "Impatto delle modificazioni climatiche su rischi e risorse naturali. Strategie e criteri d'intervento per l'adattamento e la mitigazione" Bari Italy
21 apr . more Application of Radars in Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Bologna Italy
27 apr . more Sviluppi e prospettive della Radarmeteorologia in Italia e in Emilia Romagna Bologna Italy
07 may . more Agrometeorologia e fenomeni atmosferici violenti Conegliano Italy
20 may 22 may more Terrafutura Firenze Italy
30 may . more Real time flood forecast coupling meteorological and hydrological models Bologna Italy
06 jun 09 jun more MedCLIVAR Final Conference - Mediterranean Climate: From Past to Future Lecce Italy
06 jun 09 jun more 3rd International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean
Marina di Pristicci Italy
07 jun 09 jun more XIV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia Bologna Italy
09 jun . more Nucleazione di particelle ultrafini in Pianura Padana Bologna Italy
16 jun 18 jun more 14 th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
"Governing Global Challenges: Climate Change, Trade, Finance and Development
Venice Italy
20 jun 29 jun more Course XIX - Regional Climate Dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond. An Earth System perspective Valsavarenche, Valle d'Aosta Italy
13 jul . more Una iniziativa di supporto alla Agenzia Ambientale Europea: European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA)
Bologna Italy
18 jul 22 jul more 1st Italian Summer Polar School for Science Teachers Genova Italy
30 aug 02 sep more COSMO, un modello per studiare i cambiamenti climatici su scala regionale Cava dei Tirreni Italy
05 sep 11 sep more Climaticamente...cambiando - Trentino Clima 2011 Trento Italy
07 sep 09 sep more EGU Topical Conference Series
13th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Savona Italy
13 sep 15 sep more The future of Venice Venice Italy
13 sep 16 sep more Air Quality and Climate Change: Interactions and Feedbacks Urbino Italy
01 oct 02 oct more I colloqui di Dobbiaco Dobbiaco Italy
20 oct 22 oct more Local Energy Day Città di Castello Italy
26 oct . more Data assimilation (4DVar) a UK Met Office Bologna Italy
27 oct . more An integrated observing system for boundary layer monitoring at Concordia (Antarctic plateau): from STABLEDC to ABLCLIMAT Bologna Italy
03 nov . more Il monitoraggio satellitare della qualita' dell'acqua in laghi od invasi artificiali Bologna Italy
03 nov 04 nov more Recent Trends in Non Market Valuation Venice Italy
15 nov 17 nov more The future of Venice Venice Italy
02 dec . more I risultati del progetto Moniter - Effetti degli inceneritori su ambiente e salute in Emilia Romagna Bologna Italy
06 dec . more COSMO-CORSO activity and information about FROST-2014 project Bologna Italy
15 dec . more Recenti alluvioni in Liguria: aspetti meteorologici e operativi Bologna Italy

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