2007 Meteo World Conferences

08 jan 10 jan more Integrated, long-term ocean-atmosphere Observations (T&TP) Cape Verde Cape Verd
14 jan 18 jan more 87th AMS Annual Meeting San Antonio Texas
18 jan 20 jan more

International Workshop On Weather Modification Technologies

Hyderabad India
12 feb
16 feb more 3rd WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Climate and NWP Models San Francisco California
26 feb 2 mar more Joint AMMA/ENSEMBLES Workshop on impacts of climate fluctuations and trends in West Africa Bamako Mali
30 apr 03 may more Disaster Conference Banff - Alberta Canada
30 apr 04 may more

9th Session of Working Group III
26th Session of the IPCC

Bangkok Thailand
14 may 17 may more 16th International Emission Inventory Conference "Emission Inventories: Integration, Analysis, Communication" Raleigh, North Carolina USA
17 may   more 16th International Emission Inventory Conference "Emission Inventories: Integration, Analysis, Communication" Raleigh, North Carolina USA
    more 17 ARM Nineteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting ARM USA
30 apr 03 may more Disaster Conference Banff - Alberta Canada
30 apr 04 may more

9th Session of Working Group III
26th Session of the IPCC

Bangkok Thailand
14 may 16 may more 10th International Conference on
Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality
Honk Kong China
05 jun . more Journée mondiale de l'environnement . World
12 jun
16 jun
more 3rd WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Climate and NWP Models San Francisco USA
22 jul 27 jul more 4th International Conference on fog, fog collection and dew La Serena Chile
06 aug 10 aug more 33rd AMS International Conference on Radar Meteorology Cairns Australia
13 aug 17 aug more 1st International ARCNESS Winter School
"Atmospheric composition observation and modeling"
Wollongong Australia
20 aug 24 aug more 1st International Circumpolar Conference
on Geospatial Sciences and Applications
Yellowknife, N.W.T.
09 sep 13 sep more 14th IUAPPA World Congress Brisbane Australia
10 sep
15 sep
7th IAC International Aerosol Conference
Saint Paul, Minnesota USA
16 sep 21 sep more Montreal Protocol - Celebrating 20 years of progress in 2007 Montreal Canada
24 sep 26 sep more 6th International Conference on Air Quality Arlington, VA USA
02 oct 06 oct more 1st JCOMM Scientific and techincal symposium on strorm surge modelling, forecast and hindcasting Seoul South Korea
22 oct 24 oct more 9th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification Antalya Turkey
30 oct . more The Business of Climate Change Conference Ottawa ON Canada
11 nov 15 nov more International Conference on impacts of extreme weather and climate events on socio-economic development in Africa Akure Nigeria
15 nov 16 nov more Cutting edge science symposium: hydrological consequences of climate change Camberra Australia
20 nov 23 nov more International Workshop on Earth observation small satellite for remote sensing application Kaula Lumpur Malaysia
03 dec 14 dec more 13rd COP - IPCC Bali Indonesia
